
My first blog will be aimed at my first journey which begins today. Being somewhat
extremely impatient and petulant, I am on my way to mastering the art of serenity and forgiveness – not only of others but more importantly, of myself. For all the incredibly insipid mistakes I have made and continue to make over the years. You ask yourself WHY? Why you allow others to make you feel less deserving, unhappy and out of touch with reality? Even though you know you only allow them to make you feel that way, you simply cannot shake the feeling.
For-give-ness: to grant free pardon and give up all claim on account of an offense or debt.
I have no clue as to how to grant my soul the ability to find peace. The easiest way is to hate others because it makes me feel better in the end. It is easier to blame, to collect & throw all the stones of hurt back into their faces. All that negative energy weighing you down like a rusted anchor in the sea.

The world is beautiful with so much fresh air, we need to let love into our heats. This is my first step into forgiving you for your mistakes and most importantly…to forgiving my own.